Posts – Page 16

RichFaces File Upload Tutorial

Rich Faces consists of some really useful components that can be used to make as they say  some very "rich web applications". In this tutorial i will be explaining about how to use richfaces file upload component to store a file into the database and then retrieve the file using …

Installing mod_ssl on apache: X.509,Certificate Authority,digital signatures explained

If you want to secure connection to a resource on your apache web-server by using public key encryption technique then you can add the mod_ssl module into the apache web-server for that purpose.
Here are the list of things that are explained in this tutorial:-
  1. Installing OpenSSL
  2. Public key encryption …

Dual core processors: The main logic

The dual core and quad core processors have become very popular nowadays but the main reason behind their success is the power management.
There are two basic concepts that one must know, they are :-
Overclocking the processor :-
Let's say that ideally a normal single core processor takes x units of …

ddos attack/ping flooding: Explanation and Solution

what is a ddos attack/ping flooding attack ?

ddos attack or ping flooding attack is basically sending large and continuous ICMP (Internet control message protocol) echo packets to a target host and wait for the icmp reply message. Now what this does is, it floods the target host with large …