Posts – Page 4

Machine learning with Apache Spark, Scala and Hive

Apache spark has an advanced DAG execution engine and supports in memory computation. In memory computation combined with DAG execution leads to a far better performance than running map reduce jobs. In this post, I will show an example of using Linear regression with Apache Spark. The dataset is NYC-Yellow …

Migrating to Google Sign-In with Android

Google recently has deprecated the Google+ Sign in and process of obtaining oauth access tokens via GoogleAuthUtil.getToken API. Now, they reccomend a single entry point via new Google Sign-In API. The major reasons for doing so are 1. It enhances user experience and 2. It improves security, more here …

Impala vs Hive vs RDBMS

Hive or Impala ?

Hive and Impala both support SQL operation, but the performance of Impala is far superior than that of Hive. Although now with Spark SQL engine and use of HiveContext the performance of hive queries is also significantly fast, impala still has a better performance. The reason that …

Java8: Decorating with Functional Programming and Generics

The Idea

Java 8 introduced functional programming support, this is a powerful feature which was missing from earlier versions. One of the benefits of functional programming is that it can be used to implement decorator pattern without the use of inheritance. One common requirement is to implement some kind of …

Retrofit 2.0 Conditional Authentication

You might run into a scenario where you might require conditional authentication with Retrofit 2.0.

This post provides an example of integration with the Lyft API. In case of the Lyft API, first we need to authenticate with and query the oauth/token endpoint to obtain the OAUTH token …